Our best-in-class payment solution has been helping people with the most important part of their bankruptcy journey - making reliable, on-time plan payments - since 2011.
Your personal information is protected and safeguarded by advanced technology solutions.
Using a mobile device or desktop, choose a flexible payment option and schedule to fit your life.
We are the largest provider of bankruptcy e-payment solutions, helping people like you since 2011.
Recurring or manual payments drawn directly from your bank account or your personal Debit Mastercard at an interval that fits your cash flow. Select from seven different interval options.
Anonymously direct your plan payment to your trustee straight from your employer or other income source. Contact your attorney to get started with eWage.
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Need help or assistance? Many common questions can be answered on our support site or by contacting TFS at 888-PAY CH13. Representatives are available 10 AM - 6 PM Eastern every weekday. Whether you need to adjust your payment schedule or need assistance enrolling, we're ready to help!